Sunday, January 6, 2008

WHFS 1984 with DJ Damian

This tape is probably from 1984 since Damian plays two songs from the Streets of Fire soundtrack which came out in the summer of '84. Plus, the Rockville Kemp Mill just opened. Some of the songs Damian says he just played are not on the tape near the beginning. I think I liked hitting the pause button when I didn’t like a song, Sorry. It’s still great hearing Damian DJ.

There are some great commercials as well, Career Connections, Pants Corral, and an awesome one from Kemp Mill Records. This recording was originally recorded on a non-high bias tape, so the quality is not great. Plus, with no digital tuner, fading and static are present.

Tape title: Punk Rock (Back then, that’s what I thought it was)
What’s on it: Damain from what appears to be 1984
42.77 MB
46 minutes run time (approx)
128 kbps
DJ - Damian
Some of what’s on this recording-
Beatles – I am the Walrus
Duran Duran – Wild Boys
The Alarm – Howling Wind (Wasteland)
The Del Lords – Mercenary
Tom Robinson – Murder at the end of the day
Tom Robinson – Prism
Dan Hartman – I can dream about you
Lots of commercials
More from the Streets of Fire soundtrack


Link to download this recording:

1 comment:

Camarillo Brillo said...

I downloaded this, and the static and noise is only noticable between tunes and the tape in my opinion has overall decent quality. Well worth the download!
Thanks agan for sharing!