Tuesday, January 29, 2008

1987 Thanksgiving Day with Weasel uninterrupted

1987 Thanksgiving Day with Weasel uninterrupted

This tape has almost 13 songs with Royal Court tailing at the end. One of my most complete recordings with four awesome breaks by Weasel. What was I doing recording WHFS on Thanksgiving Day in 1987? Let's see, I was 22 and living at home. I can hear my Mom now "IT'S DINNER TIME, GLENN". Well, I bet she was a bit more polite on T-Day then normal days.

U2 – Sweetest thing
The Jam - The Bitterest Pill (I Ever Had to Swallow)
Weasel recap
Pete Wiley – It’s sinful
Paul Carrack - Every time you walk into the room
The Smithereens – Strangers when we meet
Metal as Anything - Live it up
The Kane Gang – Motortown
It’s 1:35 on Throbbing Thursday
Weasel playing some Rock & Roll

(It’s those bodacious) BoDeans – Only Love
The Beatles – Every little thing
Squeeze – Tough Love
Elvis Costello – New Amsterdam
More from Weasel
Crowded House - Don't Dream It's Over
99.1 WHFS (gotta hear this music recap!)
Royal Court of China - It's all changed

The original post from 2008 had a download URL. The Megaupload site has been shutdown so I am now streaming the historical and educational material via WMA. This was loaded Nov. 23, 2013

Enjoy and please let me know what you think and leave a comment!


Anonymous said...

this blog gets better and better. Congrats

Camarillo Brillo said...

It sure is! This looks like a great tape!
Thanks for sharing!

Camarillo Brillo said...

Just wanted to say your descriptions of the tape are Right On, and it makes it more likely folks will want to hear it for themselves...Thanks again dude!

NaplesGC said...

Thanks for the comments.

I'll just say that I am having fun with blog, my first ever and will be sad when the tunes dry up. I have three in the hopper already burned ready for uploading, we'll see what I find after that.

Camarillo Brillo said...

Looking forward to that. I have only been doing this for 6 mos. myself. Looking good so far!

NaplesGC said...

Well, thanks to you I have anything at all. If six months of doing this means you become a pro, then you are a pro.

jugdish said...

I can't tell you how great it is to hear Weasel's voice again. So much of who I am and what I listen to comes from hours and hours of listening to him and WHFS growing up in MD. Skipping church and hearing "Surfin Bird" by the Cramps, and rushing out to buy the vinyl...hearing Weasel play Rockpile or Nick Lowe...or playing My Three Songs...so many memories, such a great music education from that station that stays with me today.

Thanks again for posting, looking forward to downloading and hearing more.

Camarillo Brillo said...

On behalf of naples, I would like to say thanks for the feedback, I like to hear from the folks out there finally getting a chance to hear the Ol' 'HFS...If you haven't stopped by yet come visit for more...

Reverend Jack Smith said...

Man this is great.
A big 'thank you' for these posts. A whole lot of great memories here.
I have a question that has been bugging me for years. During Wiesel's standard Friday afternoon drivetime set ("Party Weekend", "Don't Put Another Dime in the Jukebox" etc) he would play a song about going to the ocean and judging (from the Baltimore accents, it probably was local) If anyone knows anything more about this song, answers would be greatly appreciated. And if anyone has the Wiesel Friday afternoon drivetime set taped...we'll you can guess the request.
Thanks again

Camarillo Brillo said...

you'll find that Friday afternoon drivetime set on several posts on my blog..come and get it...

Reverend Jack Smith said...

Man, I must be a moron, because I don't seem to see any of the Friday Weasel stuff. Please give me heads up as to where to look on your blog. If it's on the megaupload, please give the code and I'm there. I've been driving my wife crazy for years yammering on about the Goin To The Ocean song every year when we go to OC.

jlittle said...

reverend jack smith, I think you're talking about "When I Go to the Beach" by the Slickee Boys. I think it's even available online. If you can't find it, I think I have a digital version I can send you.

Camarillo Brillo said...

Search for the Slickee Boys on my blog and you'll find it.

Reverend Jack Smith said...

Sorry to say, but that's not the track. I'm a big Slickee Boys fan from way back so I know that track.
The song I'm remembering features a really exaggerated Baltimore accent singing about 'gobs of suntan lotion' and 'a six on ice for me and a Natty Boh for you'. Weasel played it in the spring-summer of 89-91 during his Friday drive time closing set.

jlittle said...

Ahhh, that sounds familiar, but I'm drawing a blank. I'll let that one roll around my brain and see if I come up with it.

Camarillo Brillo said...

Where's Weasel when you need him?

The MAACP Show said...

AWESOME STUFF! I've been hoping for some classic HFS and here it is. I have some airchecks from the 70's and 80's too. Everything from old KTK-105 to WFBR playing the Doctor Demento show in the mid 70's. I'll get them up one of these days. Meanwhile, a BIG thank you for all of your work on your great blog!