Saturday, November 23, 2013

DJ Milo's short set

I'm starting to add Windows Media audio clips that play right inside the blog. I've experimented with audio files that streamed but they opened up in their own page. Sorry, no downloads! Press play then go about your online browsing - these files will play in the background.

I may not be adding new blog entries but actually going back through the blog and updating the old threads with the streaming file. 

This one is a great short set with DJ Milo along with some great commercials including U2 latest album (War) at just $5.99! 

Anyone ever go to DC Space? Never really heard of it. Listen to hear a concert listing. Sounds like a jazz place. 

Kemp Mill Records commercial featuring the U2 album, War. 

This was the set where Milo talked about REM showing up in the studio after a local concert. I'm not sure if they showed but I don't have the tape. Sure wish I did. 

If you enjoyed this, please leave a comment.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Concert Calendar plus more!

Over 8 minutes of classic 1988 WHFS with song recap along with a awesome concert calendar with Meg! 

Close your eyes and drift back to Washington DC 1988.

Dj break Bob "Here"
Featured artist-The Church
The Church - Constantinople (cut off toward end)
The Lucy Show – Remain
Cowboy Mouth – Long Hot Ride
REM – Welcome to the Occupation
The Grapes of Wrath – O’ Lucky Man

Dj break/commercials
  • Kemp Mill Records “But honey-what about my needs -CD sale!”
  • Weasel promoting Tracey Chapman on Electra
  • Kemp Mill Records – ...No need to decide between a BMW or having kids…w/CD prices this low
  • Live recording with Danny Gatton at the Birchmere promotion.
  • Honda of Annapolis "Showroom renovation sale"
  • Awesome Concert Calendar with Meg from Saturday June 11, 1988
    • Incredible venues and bands (Need to listen!)
    • @7:20 PETA (First ever animal rights music concert" - What a lineup! Were you there? 
Donovan - Tangarine Puppet (Supergirl)

ENJOY! Please leave comments on what you liked - your 'HFS stories, etc.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Drive Baby Drive...

I found this gem with the lead-in from Shona Laing. What an impressive
voice...the words Drive Baby Drive have never sounded better together than when she sings this song.

Dave Issing is in for Bob and recaps the last four songs then throws it to commercials.

Car Stereo Systems
Kemp Mill Records presents "They Might be Giants" live in store in Georgetown.
The Roxy concert review with The Slickee Boys meet the Neighborhoods.

Dave spins U2 - I will Follow.

As always, please leave a comment what you thought of this post and a memory or two.

I'm back!

Yesterday I revealed myself abruptly after more than a year behind the curtain. Well, behind the curtain would infer that I was working on and retooling this site for a grand re-opening. That was obviously not the case. What simply happened is I recently found the DC Scene 80's & 90's group on FB and uploaded an old You Tube :21 clip of Weasel. Well, that got my mojo going a bit. Then, when looking at an external drive that I don't connect much, I saw a folder labeled WHFS_digital_music. Well, I knew what this was and after scanning some of the titles, yesterday's post was born, abruptly.

So I edited the recording in WMM (Windows Movie Maker) then uploaded it to You Tube and then linked it to this blog. I liked how it looked, but I didn't like the related videos it showed after it played. Having a three year old in the house that uses my iPad often, I really hate how You Tube serves those related videos. Some are really not related at all except for the key words someone used to deceive.

What frustrated me was in the HTML design area on, there's no uplink video option so I thought they changed and required you to link from another source rather than directly upload it. Well, a day later and a few clicks I found the video uploaded and decided to see if going directly from my computer to worked, it did! So now I'll be posting Window's Media files directly to and we can rejoice there will be no "related" videos that appear after listening.

One more issue before we get to the next clip. This site is full of links to Megaupload and streaming links to eclips, both are dead now. For kicks, click on one of the download links, you'll see this: 
FBI Anti-Piracy Warning
So with this stern warning from the government, I will not be posting any downloadable content, just either streaming or uploaded content that can't be saved or downloaded. Also, you won't be hearing full length songs, I don't believe. I may have to do some research on that. If there are any sites or information that someone can point me to, please let me know. I would much rather upload an entire rip than have to edit out the music. I will say, if you hear a song or a recap of a song and like it and need it, please go to iTunes and buy it, support the bands and makers of the music we love. 

So, as this was an afterthought post, I'll make what was going to be my second post, my third post. 

Welcome back everyone, I hope your lives have been fulfilled since we have last communicated. 


As always, please leave a comment what you thought of this post and a memory or two.

Monday, February 18, 2013

WHFS station break with Susan and a Dash-in Dan commercial

From late 1986 or early 1987. Susan starts out great then has a hard time remembering who stars in the movie Something Wild. A classic Dash-in Dan commercial (Dash-in Food Stores). Love the recap set. Radio like never before and never again.

So you may be here and see the other posts and wonder where all the music and clips went. Well, the hosting site was stormed and taken down so all the links are gone. The clips were stored on a site, eclips which seems to be dead, don't try to click on them. This blog was my passion for a while and had a good stream of visitors. Over a two year period I was able to obtain many vintage tape recordings of classic WHFS. I've digitized most them, leaving the tapes with mostly music and few dj's. It's funny to me, while WHFS played awesome music without walls, I love to hear the DJ's identify the music and banter with the thousands of listeners through the airwaves.

Most of what I'll start posting, through up-links to You Tube, will be DJ station breaks, music recaps, period commercials and concert calendars.

So, even with all I have going on, my family, a busy photography schedule and my day job, I'll attempt to upload some clips when I can. My photo site is, check it out.

Feel free to leave a comment here or better yet on the 80's, 90's DC scene music Facebook page.