Friday, May 14, 2010

Let's guess the playlist!

Let's play "Let's guess the playlist!"

In my busy life, our four month old baby, work, photography, trips to Disney, etc. I've decided to not hold back these tapes just b/c I don't have time to listen to them and writeup a playlist. From the looks of the thread on the other post while I was in Disney, you all seem to have fun naming the songs and providing that information to others. These tapes were maybe a year or two before my main listening years, although I was def listening in 82-83, just not paying as much attention in the years post high school '83 -'89.

Here is tape 9 both sides A and B. I haven't listened to these since I ripped them and I probably didn't listen to the whole tape.

Let's get some feedback on these tapes.

As always, please come back and leave comments.